
Passion. Experience. Impact.

What we love doing

Consumers are fascinating - why do we walk down an aisle at Target and pick up product A over product B?   What made someone click on that ad and not that one?  Does pricing something higher but promising free shipping really work?  Why should someone shop here instead of just order it online?   These are the questions we love thinking about, debating and answering for your brand.  The solutions come from understanding how things are in consistent change while leveraging a foundation of consumer marketing to make a brand & product worth buying.  We work with you to create communications or products that show your unique point of difference to change consumer behavior within a lens of sound P&L decision making.


Get in touch

We at Common Wealth Brand Strategy know that finding the right team is key to successful change.  That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.



Our Team

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Billy Collins

Experienced CPG marketing executive, passionate about impacting consumer behavior and delivering strong business results. Possess a broad experience from traditional marketing strategies to emerging digital media & ecomm channels working in both large Fortune 100 with media budgets over $50MM and startup environments with limited media budgets. Results built by leveraging my strong communications & interpersonal skills to set a vision for a team, develop direct reports and lead external agencies.



The University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School
MBA, 2009

Duke University
B.A., Public Policy, 1999

Core Skills

• Brand Strategy
• eCommerce
• Culture building

Brand Leadership Experience

  • Aveeno
  • Listerine
  • Clean & Clear
  • Soapbox
  • RoC
  • Lubriderm
  • HobbyTown
  • Manhattan Assoicates